I am on Team TARDIS, and making this Dalek dishcloth, modified to be a dish towel. I'm going to keep going in stockinette until the skein is used so I can enter the single skein sprint event.

And for once I'm actually going to use the recommended yarn. I'm using Lily Sugar n' cream in potpourri ombre:

I didn't want to choose anything too large or complicated because I'm mostly going to be knitting during commercial breaks. Every time the Olympics rolls around, I basically turn into a hermit for two weeks, celebrating athleticism by becoming a complete couch potato. This pattern is also perfect for entering into the friendly competition against Team Sherlocked to see who is really the most British by making the most British-themed projects. My dishtowel will be used to exterminate tea and biscuits from my dishes, so I'm golden.
And, just for fun, here are some links to some great articles on the Olympics I've read this week:
The Olympics...it's not like it was in the old days - Fascinating trivia about the first modern Olympics in 1896
Keeping Afloat - Athletes of less popular sports like synchronized swimming work all kinds of odd jobs to make ends meet
Lost Sports of the Summer Olympics - Rejected gems include pairs cycling and tug of war
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