
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

An award and a parade!

First I would like to say thank you to my dear friend Kristen over at Glitter, Gloss and Glaze, who awarded me the Liebster Award. This is given to new bloggers with less than 200 followers.

Kristen is one of my Tampa Bay friends that I sadly had to leave behind, but I love keeping up with her blog.
Anyway, I'm very honored and I'd say that this calls for a parade! Kidding, kidding. This past weekend I went the Inman Park Festival, a neighborhood arts and crafts fair known for it's quirky, anything-goes sensibility. It was a lovely day, and I was able to cross off several things from my Atlanta bucket list: taking the MARTA train, eating a King of Pops popsicle, trying a new food truck (well, in this case a 70's camper-van called The Pickle). Best of all, there was a parade. Oh man I love a good parade. In all honesty, I care more about the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade than the food afterward.

And this parade did not disappoint. There were kaleidoscope marching bands:

...boxy cardboard superheros.... LGBT marching band with sparkly outfits. I didn't get a picture of the baton twirler because I was so mesmerized, but trust me, he was working it...

...a Chinese dragon...

....whatever these are...

...the Bridesmaid Brigade...



...and dozens of gnomes! Apparently they were trying to beat some kind of world record. Many had funny signs ("I'm sexy and I gnome it") or a clever spin, like the "Gnomeland security" group.

It was all just so delightfully eclectic. Added to fun was the group of drunk guys next to us that cheered for literally everything that came by, no matter how absurd, ranging from summer camp to termite protection. By the time the parade was over, I was sunburned but satisfied. Inman Park, you know how to throw a party.

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